Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Silver Wedding

The fourth of July is celebrated in America as " Independence Day" but in our family it marks the wedding anniversary of Paul and  Michelle . Never more so than this year. Their "Silver Year"  Their 25th Anniversary no less.
So it was that last weekend Sunday 10th July we gathered at " Santos Higham Farm Hotel" for a family reunion and celebration lunch.

The "Lunch" had been postponed from the "official " date in order to allow members of the family to gather from the corners of the globe .

Namely, for Jessica to return from Melbourne, Australia. It was touch and go as even then she only landed in the U.K on Saturday morning.

Gary just makes it in time { stopped to wash his socks !]
 Michelle's brother Stephen from Sussex. Gary and family from Ashby de la zouche and us from north Wales and Pam and Ber from around the corner in Wingerworth. 

And Now !

For us the weather was kind the setting was good and the Lunch  excellent  . 
This Lunch is only one of the several Celebrations Michelle & Paul have planned. Family. Friends, Colleagues.
Where do the years go ?

Now and then
Wonder where we will be in 25 years ?

Michelle made the wonderful cake and did the all the decoration

Around up of the day and some old and some new 

Howard and Meg

Paul and Mchelle

Jessica and Alistair

Paul and Michell

The Happy couple

En Famile